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VAT Deregistration in the UAE: Clarifying Client Inquiries

Are you grappling with the intricacies of VAT deregistration and its potential impact on your business? This concise blog aims to offer a clear understanding of VAT deregistration, covering when it’s advisable, the consequences for your business, and how to navigate the process seamlessly. We will address common queries, providing valuable insights and guidance for informed decision-making. Whether you're a business owner, financial professional, or someone keen on comprehending VAT deregistration, this guide is tailored for you.

1.  When Should I Consider Deregistering for VAT?

If your business’s taxable supplies in the last 12 months fall below the voluntary registration threshold of AED 187,500, or if your business undergoes significant changes in ownership, legal structure, or ceases trading, VAT deregistration should be considered.

2.  What Are the Implications of VAT Deregistration?

After deregistration, your business is relieved from charging VAT on supplies or filing regular VAT returns. However, certain obligations persist post-deregistration. You must maintain relevant records for at least 5 years, and any pre-deregistration VAT-related liabilities, penalties, or fines remain payable.

3.  Can I Re-register for VAT After Deregistration?

Yes, re-registration is possible if your business meets the criteria for VAT registration again. Submit a new application to the FTA. Re-registration is subject to approval, and additional documentation may be required.

4.  What Happens if I Don’t Deregister for VAT When Required?

Failure to apply for deregistration when meeting the criteria may result in penalties and fines from the FTA. You'll still be obligated to fulfill VAT requirements, even if your taxable turnover falls below the threshold.

5.  What are the benefits of using a VAT consultant for deregistration?

Engaging a VAT consultant ensures compliance, penalty avoidance, and minimizes risks during the deregistration process. Professional advice streamlines the process, offering tailored insights based on your business needs.

Valuable Insights and Guidance

Regularly monitor your taxable supplies: Stay vigilant to identify when taxable supplies fall below the mandatory VAT registration threshold. This allows timely initiation of the deregistration process.

Plan ahead for VAT Deregistration: Assess the impact on your business before applying for deregistration. Plan for the implications of not charging VAT on supplies for a smooth transition.

Seek professional Advice: Given the complexity of VAT deregistration, professional advice from tax experts ensures compliance and minimizes potential pitfalls. It offers tailored insights based on your specific business needs.

VAT deregistration can be intricate, but with the right guidance, it can be completed smoothly. Understand eligibility criteria, the process, and implications to make informed decisions. Seek professional advice to ensure compliance and minimize risks. With the right support, successfully navigate the VAT deregistration process and focus on growing your business.

For personalized assistance and expert advice, reach out to TAHLEEL’s experts at to schedule a meeting.